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Leadership Philosophy 

What leadership means to me.


Practicing leadership is like working a muscle. Most people are born with some strength in it, yet it doesn't grow stronger and develop true form until one learns how to use it adequately and work on it consistently. Being a leader takes form in many different shapes and is uniquely based on one's lived experiences. The ability to facilitate and unite a group based on a common goal in an inclusive and transformative manner is what I believe leadership is all about. Not to forget the unforgettable community experience great leaders foster. 


During grade school, I was constantly labeled "bossy" and "loud" which caused the natural leader within me to be hidden for years. I was scared of using my voice and even more terrified of feeling judged or unwanted. This continued through my most crucial development years of life until I joined MLS. Being a part of a multicultural program I found power in being "loud" and "bossy". I figured out that having those attributes were frowned upon because of society's pre-existing idea of me. Through learning about diversity, inclusion, oppression, and power I have been able to shed light on some of the most truamatizing parts of my childhood in order to heal and grow from them. 


Since I have rediscovered my voice, I found that I most closely correspond to transformative and charismatic leadership theories. As a leader, I believe in the web of inclusion and try to approach all my situations as such. I actively want to grow as a person and as a leader in hopes to inspire future leaders to do the same. 


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